Fried Peppers, onions, mushrooms, & “steak” tips all wrapped up with baby spring mix, tomatoes, sprouts, Dayia cheese, a little ketchup, crushed hot peppers, and a drizzle of creamy Italian to cool it down.
I love all these ingredients together. They just blend so well together. Since we were not starving, I thought a whole wheat wrap would be just right to hold all this goodness, without the weight of bread. The bread calorie savings allowed me to have a serving of baked chips on the side. It was enjoyed by all.
Mya helped make dinner. She did a lot of the chopping. She loves putting her kid friendly knives to good use. She is so proud of whatever she makes. She can be so much like me with that. Some things I rush through and do not give it my best. Okay, maybe a lot of things, but cooking, that’s different. I strive for every meal to taste it’s best without adding harmful or unnecessary ingredients. I love preparing healthy meals my whole family can enjoy. No guilt meals. Cooking calms me and I never think or say “I don’t have time”. I make time, I will cut anywhere else I can, so our meals are homemade and I know what is in them. Only I control what goes in my mouth, and I always want it to be a healthy choice. I try my hardest to create meals that resemble the “SAD” Standard American Diet, only using healthy ingredients.
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