Plants never tasted so good.


Tropical After School Snack

Posted by Sinfully Nutritious


Tropical Fruit Snack

It has been a crazy busy week.  All of a sudden a wave of organizing came over me.  That does not happen too often, so, when it does arise, I take complete advantage and let the desire to clean and organize take over, temporarily!  I should have taken before and after pictures to show how much I actually accomplished this week. 

I got rid of 1/4 of my closet, clothes and shoes. Everything else got a new home in the closet. I listened to all kinds of educational and inspirational podcasts and just pushed and pushed till I got through.

Over the years I realized I have a bad habit of only finishing 90% when I do these types of projects.  I never seem to get to the full 100%.  Cooking is one of the only things I can actually say I strive for perfection.  Everything else I say, “good enough” when I am close to done. I really tried to keep pushing this week, that is why I have not posted anything new and exciting.

I was rummaging through the fridge looking for a quick and healthy after school snack for Mya to enjoy.  I found I still had some pineapple, strawberries and bananas.   Looking further I found some chocolate syrup and coconut cream, the kind you use in a Pina Colada, and I remembered I also had large chipped coconut.  I chopped all the fruit, drizzled with chocolate sauce, then with coconut cream, and topped with chipped coconut.

This was a great after school snack.  We all had a plate, Mya loved it.  It did reminded me of a Pina Colada or Daiquiri, minus the rum.

trop fruit plate

Have a great Monday!



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