Plants never tasted so good.


It tastes like tuna to me…

Posted by Sinfully Nutritious

Vegan tuna?  Yes.  Vegan tuna.  What could that possibly be made of?  Well, a food processor does an excellent job of breaking down chick peas and artichoke hearts into a perfect tuna like texture.  Then it’s only a matter of adding in the classic celery, onion and relish. Then blending the right spices together.  I use a touch of vinegar for brine, add a pinch of salt, pepper, and for the bit of fishy flavor, some kelp flakes or ground nori. Lastly, I blend in a little vegan mayo until it’s creamy.
This “tuna”  is full of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.  Most importantly, NO MERCURY.  Tuna is one of the worst fish to consume because of the toxic mercury levels found in its flesh.  You can enjoy this poison free sandwich anytime.  To boost the nutrition even more,  I serve this with baby spinach leaves, fresh sprouts, tomato, and onion.  If you want to make it a “club”  just add some vacon (vegetarian bacon).  This is a great sandwich for plant eaters and meat eaters.  Try this one out.



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