Plants never tasted so good.


Hot Roast “Beef”

Posted by Sinfully Nutritious
Juicy and “beefy”.  I promise, you would not know the difference.  When I crave something, I have to have it.  I could have a full freezer and pantry, but, if I am craving something, forget every ingredient I have on hand, I need to make what I am craving. 
The other day it was vegan roast “beef”.  My recipe is incredible.  I make a beefy tasting gravy that could make plain tofu taste like steak.  But, lucky for me, Tofurky makes great “roast beef” deli slices that taste like the real thing.  I would share the gravy recipe, but I need to actually write it down.  It is one of those things that starts with a little bit of this and that and ends perfect every time.  Each time I make it I say to myself, “I have to write this down”.  Well, again, not this time.  I promise next time I will share.   Anyway, I made this on a great sour rye fresh from the bakery, I topped it with a vegan cheese and a horseradish sauce I made.  It was AWESOME.  I am hungry again just writing about it.


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